Routine Dental Care

Checking Your Overall Health and Oral Hygiene

Looking for Signs of Tooth Decay, Root Decay, and Gum or Bone Disease

The dentist will carefully inspect your teeth and gums to detect early signs of decay, infections, or gum disease. Root decay, which can happen as gums recede, is also assessed, as it can lead to serious dental problems if left untreated.

Bone loss, often caused by advanced gum disease, will also be checked.

Assessing the Need for Tooth Restoration or Replacement

If you have damaged, worn, or missing teeth, the dentist will evaluate whether you need treatments such as fillings, crowns, bridges, or dentures.

They will also check the condition of any existing restorations, like fillings or crowns, to ensure they are still in good shape.

Examining Your Bite and Jaw for Any Issues

Removing Stains or Deposits from Your Teeth

Demonstrating Proper Cleaning Techniques for Your Teeth or Dentures

Checking If You Need Fluoride Treatment

Taking X-rays or Performing Other Diagnostic Tests

Discussing Your Overall Health and Its Impact on Your Oral Health

Why Regular Dental Exams Are Important

Patient satisfaction is very important to us

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